Dinosaur Extinction Theories
There are a few things that scientists can generally agree upon. One of which is that there was a global
climatic change. Climate is the weather in an area over many years. It's believed that the environment changed from a warm, mild one to a cooler,
more varied one (sometimes very hot, sometimes very cold). However, the cause
of this climate change, and the speed at which it occurred differ according to
the various theories.
The last piece of common ground between scientists is that
in several places around the globe, at or near the K-T boundary, there is a
thin layer of clay with an unusually high content of iridium (a rare metal
similar to platinum). The high amount of iridium may be evidence for the dust
Source: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/extinctheory.html
Select a Theory
*Although you are welcome to research other theories, these are the two most widely accepted theories in paleontology.
Websites to check out:
*This website has some excellent background information under Extinction: Why did the dinosaurs go extinct? “What is Extinction”, “The Alvarez Asteroid Theory,” and “Other K-T Extinction Theories” are good sources for you to get research information from.
*This is an interactive website! You can click on the different theories and look at the evidence supporting each one. Make sure to check out all of your options.
*Scroll down the page to check out information on the various extinction theories.
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